Heart with flowers in it on a wooden table
Talking and laughing

24 good reasons to have children

Are there really good reasons to have children one might ask ? By one I mean any sane person really.

Take one of those days where we “honor” the parents : Mother’s Day or Father’s Day.  I am not a big fan of Mother’s day. There is too much pressure. This is when you truly realize how bad your kids are at crafts, or how soppy they can get. There is also pressure on you as the child of a mother. Your mother will probably lose it if she can’t sleep in or if you didn’t get her anything even though she said she didn’t want anything.

Anyway, I decided to list the reasons why I became a mother (to my 3 adorably annoying children). That way I can recite them to remind myself, through gritted teeth on those days where I almost lose it with the wild rumpus in full swing.

24 reasons to have children, to become a parent, a mother, a father. annoyedmama.com

16 Incredibly Good Reasons to Have Children

If you agree to all the following statements then you are one crazy person who definitely deserves to have minions.

1. You are fed up with having free time, a social life and friends.

For real though, are those things important in life ? I believe we should all be occupied all the time, and never have a moment’s rest. Also, what are friends for ? Except a waste of time and adult brain activity.

2. You have often wondered what it was like to lose your mind and start thinking like a psychopath.

It’s funny when it happens and you -almost- understand why some fathers go to buy cigarettes and never come back, or ask yourself if you could quickly find a country that has not signed an extradition agreement with your own country.

3. You want to feel time go by.

You want to not only feel yourself grow old but look it as well.
And you can only do this with kids as they will suck the life out of you as they grow older.

4. You absolutely positively hate silence.

The delicate sounds of children barking and arguing in your house is a pleasant dream to you.
As is realizing that your corridors echo or feeling yourself go deaf when your baby screams in your ears. Even though it will go on for so long it will feel like you will soon bleed from the ears.

5. Gross conversations thrill you.

Everything about farts, poop, pee-pee, vomit, buggers, skidmarks, size, color and quantity of all the above. Hours of endless, apparently hilarious, conversations with your children. But even worse with your spouse and your other mom friends !! Doesn’t it all seem exciting and glamorous ?

6. Cleaning and organizing a neat house is not your thing.

Living in a clean house turns you off. Finding what you are looking for as soon as you start searching for it is not something you find interesting. Having pretty unbroken things doesn’t appeal to you.

7. You need an excuse to stop using makeup, or dressing properly.

You want people to see the real tired uncombed and smelly you. Add a couple of public showings of your half unbuttoned bras if you breastfeed. Or better you like having an excuse to show your boob when you open the door for a delivery…

8. You fantasize about boring your family and the few friends you have left.

Finally getting to tell your own stories of how cute your kid is, or how awesome and clearly genius your 2 month old baby is. And showing pictures on your phone. Phone which by the way is loaded with 1,956 lookalike pictures of your gorgeous offspring.

9. Endless boring eventless stories are your thing.

Listening to people (in this case tiny bossy people) trying to tell you about their day, or desperately trying to make a valide point to eat the leftover Halloween candy.

10. You like being bossed around.

Your boss would be your own delicious child of course here.

11. You thoroughly enjoy worrying.

Worrying about anything and everything related to your child. And worrying about worrying, and worrying about worrying about worrying your children. Inception worrying if you will.

12. You firmly believe stretchmarks are sexy, perky boobs are lame and flat tummies are annoying and useless.

You already don’t enjoy the body you have so let’s just mess with it a little bit more.

13. You are looking for new ideas, more ways to argue with your spouse.

Children are the go-to with this problem. They will make you see the world through a different perspective. Think of all the subjects you never had arguments about before ! Education, school, preschool, activities, vacations, vaccinations, children clothes, sleep training, potty training, laundry, working, breastfeeding, cleaning…It also works with your friends.

14. You need to find new ways of expressing consternation.

Children will completely change your way of expressing emotions such as consternation, rage, disgust, shock.

15. You are tired of people who do not like it when you give them advice about how to raise children since you “don’t know what it is” as you don’t have any.

That will show them. And they will see you were completely right. You know how to rock this.

16. You’ve often wondered what it was like to lose your mind.

Wait this sounds oddly familiar…

You might also like to read : Why are kids so annoying ?

8 Real Good Enough Reasons To Still Have Children

24 Reasons to have a child, to become a mother, a father, a parent, annoyedmama.com

1. You want a family with the noise and the fuss and the fun.

I know you can be a family as a couple, with your animals etc. But children will truly add invaluable meaning to the word family.

2. You are ready for a new challenge, a life-long mission.

And are ready to accept and face everything it will bring with it.

3. Children are fun.

Especially when they don’t realize it which is often. Then not so much. Quite boring actually. Wait I’m not complaining writing in the right paragraph.

They will make you laugh, even when you are so not supposed to (and you might end up taking a picture of their laughable behavior, even though you really shouldn’t).

4. Children will make you see the world differently.

You will in a way relive your childhood, see things in a new light. Realize there is still beauty in this world.

5. Because you really want to.

And you can, financially, responsibly, willingly, thoughtully.

6. Children are also cute.

As the Chinese proverbe goes : “There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it !”. They are entertaining. Their stories will be long and boring sometimes, but they will (hopefully) be interesting at least to you (I wouldn’t go bragging about their stories too much though).

7. They will make you feel emotions more powerfully.

You will feel more loved than you ever could imagine.

Although at times it will turn into more hate or hurt than you could ever imagine. You will also give so much love that you will drown in your own sappiness.

8. You will have a new holiday to receive gifts!

Add Mother’s day to your birthday and Christmas. This is one is by far the best reason. Especially if your kids buy expensive gifts with their dad’s money. Or provided you are not easily offended if they offer a drawing of you.

Are there other reasons you can think of ?

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