
  • Commandements for introducing solids to baby, annoyedmama
    Cooking,  Parenting

    The 10 commandments for introducing solids

    Baby is not a baby anymore! Well of course he still is, let’s be honest: he probably doesn’t sleep through the night, he barely sits, can hardly grasp objects, and doesn’t even know how to say mama or papa! Nevertheless, we are going forward with a new milestone! One that your floors will simply a-dore (or your dog – by the way if you don’t have one, now would be a good time, a real investment for the future) : introducing solids! This strange expression only means that your baby will start eating and spitting real food! Other images that come to mind are : the contents of the diapers…

  • breastfeeding and food : what to eat, what to avoid
    Cooking,  Healing

    Breastfeeding and food

    This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here. Food is life. When you are pregnant, you try to eat a little bit more but in a healthier way. Because being a parent who does annoying things for their kid’s sake starts early. You usually avoid foods like sushi, cold meats (because of toxoplasmosis), certain cheese (at least in France as there are a lot of cheeses that are made with raw milk and could contain salmonella) or drinks such as alcohol, coffee, tea… Then you have baby, and you go back to eating “normally”. If you decide to breastfeed baby, you might ask yourself if you should…

  • easy chocolaty brownie

    Easy Brownie recipe

    How about a little brownie recipe ? I will be offering simple recipes, no fuss. So let’s be honest : yes there will be a lot of sugar, flour, eggs, butter…An “old-style” brownie if you will, with its gluten, its refined sugar, its dairy. I have no idea what the calories per serving are, but if this information is important to you I would advise not to eat it, it will hurt less ! It is possible to reduce the butter by replacing it with applesauce for instance if you want it “healthier”. I can give you the equivalence. This brownie can be made with your kids (and by using…