35 questions to ask after school
Because it's not always easy to get them talkingWhen they are back home from school (already ?!), we “like” to know what our children did all day. This will not however be that interesting to be totally honest, but we, as parents, sometimes, have to pretend to care about what’s going on in their life. We did make them for something. I don’t know about you, but I often get answers like : Nothing. I don’t know. I don’t remember. Maybe they understood that I was only half interested. I doubt that, they are not that smart. So here is a list of 35 questions to ask your children so that they have to tell us a little…
14 excuses to avoid sex
Are you trying to find new excuses to avoid sex tonight? You’ve come to the right place. We already have kids, we are feeling old and tired by this whole parenting thing. No time to waste. My “free” time is way too precious, and it will annoy me if I have to share my “me time” tonight. Did you know that an average couple aged 30 to 39 years old has 86 sexual relations per year ? That’s about 1.6 per week. What does this 0.6 even one look like ? Anyway, sometimes you just won’t have it. So what excuse will you come up with this evening ? I’ll…
5 things you should do more when you have babies
Words of wisedom after having had 3 babiesWhen you have kids, you sometimes think “if I could turn back time, what would I change ? What would I do differently ? What would I do more ?”. Usually you ask yourself this question when your kids are annoying so much that you wonder where you messed up in their education. We are getting closer to our birthday marathon, 5 birthdays in 5 weeks, with my littlest “baby” turning 2 years old. After 2 years old, they still change a lot. But it’s “big kid” changes : they can start preschool, they talk better (less people look at you like you understand this weird language only your child…
Don’t be afraid of the Super Moms
For me, a Super Mom is a mom that manages to do every single thing and not complain ! She is my antonym in a way, me being “just” a simple mom (an annoyed mama or annoying mama depending on how you look at it). She is not a typical sancti-mommy because she will not always make you feel like a lesser mom, just a big lazy one. In fact, Super Mom (who would rather be called Perfect Mom, to be differenciated with the other imperfect moms maybe ?) can be scary. She manages everything from the kids to the grocery shopping, to the house cleaning, her work perhaps, the…
Make a Homeopathic case for your kids
Are you tired of running to the doctor’s everytime your baby or child has a little fever or a runny nose ? Tired of using pharmaceutical products that could potentially contain harmful ingredients, all the while not knowing if they really need them ? Well, let’s not don’t be annoyed anymore and make your own little emergency case of homeopathy remedies ! This little bag of 10 common homeopathic substances will allow you to treat the everyday aches and pains of a family with small children. I’m talking about colds, coughs, anxiety, agitated nights, “owies” and little bouts of fever. Of course, it goes without saying, but I will say it…
Tips for baking with 4 or 6 hands
Baking with your kidsWhat ? You want me to make a cake with my kids ? It’s not like I don’t have a lot of cleaning to do or that I’m not annoyed enough or that my patience level is at its highest (usually it’s in level red, like a Sims character right before a breakdown). Well yes I do. Sometimes, for an unknown reason, we crave a cake. Unless you have $ 20 to go to your local bakery, you have to make it ! With 3 kids I have to say that I make a lot of cakes and such. It’s probably the “eat your feelings” effect. To get going, let’s…
Easy Brownie recipe
How about a little brownie recipe ? I will be offering simple recipes, no fuss. So let’s be honest : yes there will be a lot of sugar, flour, eggs, butter…An “old-style” brownie if you will, with its gluten, its refined sugar, its dairy. I have no idea what the calories per serving are, but if this information is important to you I would advise not to eat it, it will hurt less ! It is possible to reduce the butter by replacing it with applesauce for instance if you want it “healthier”. I can give you the equivalence. This brownie can be made with your kids (and by using…